The rapid development of new energy vehicles at the same time charging piles into a major gap

New energy vehicles have developed rapidly in recent years and are highly sought after by consumers. Especially in China and Europe, countries have introduced relevant policies to promote the development of new energy vehicles. However, as new energy vehicles develop rapidly, the corresponding infrastructure has encountered many challenges.

It is reported that France and the United Kingdom have successively announced that they will ban the sale of gasoline and diesel cars in 2040, and luxury automobile brand Aston Martin also declared that it will stop producing gasoline vehicles in the future. At the same time, China is also increasing the promotion of new energy vehicles and introducing policies such as subsidies for buying cars. And, as new energy automobile technology matures, consumer acceptance is increasing.

However, behind the highly sought after new energy vehicles, infrastructure such as charging piles has not kept pace. According to relevant statistical report data, in order to make up for and improve the supporting ecosystem of electric vehicles, by 2040, the world needs to build about 526 million charging units. Previously, Morgan Stanley analysts said that Tesla's electric vehicle market will reach 10 times the end of 2017 by early 2023, but the lack of infrastructure will become the biggest bottleneck for Tesla's "takeoff."

The relevant agencies expect that in order to support a total of 500 million electric cars, the investment will require the combination of private and public funds from different regions and departments. As the world’s largest electric vehicle market, China’s investment in electric vehicle infrastructure by 2040 will account for about one-third of the total global investment.

DC Power Cord

Power cord can be used in wide range of industries. Home appliances, charging equipment, lighting, Gym appliance, computer, tool, pump, compressor, medical equipment, and so on. All products which are driven by electricity need a power cord.DC (direct Current) power cord is used to the applicance with lower voltage mostly, so safety requirement is less stringent.

DC Power Cord, power cable, DC cable, power connector