Tencent Digital News (Du Jie) After 3 months, macOS Sierra has finally reached the official version from the Beta version. For an operating system that has been running for 15 years, this means that there is no small change in itself. But why don't I say that upgrading isn't called fruit powder, because in this version you can see that the collaboration between Apple devices has become closer, and in layman's terms, it means “tighten you upâ€.
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From this version you can see that some applications that are very easy to play on iOS have been moved to macOS. This is actually a continuation of Apple's ecology and is a sticky place for Apple users.
Maybe you don't have much chance of using Siri on iPhone, but macOS Sierra should change this situation. Some things can be "freed up" to Siri.
The first is some simple search functions, such as finding a file, photos or something. This kind of search function used to be the most time-consuming. Now you can say to Siri, "Look at yesterday's photos" or "Show me the manuscripts written last week." ".
In addition, Siri can also help you check movies, read emails, send text messages, make phone calls, check the weather, and sports events, just like on the iOS system, but the difference is that you can use the results of these searches. Because the Siri window is on the right side (can't be dragged), you can drag and drop the results of the search into an email or document (only images found online), or you can pin it directly to the notification center (Sports only, stocks only , weather, encyclopedias, etc., and even if you switch to another home screen or open a new application, the Siri window is also on the top, so the macOS version of Siri really became an assistant, a let you "knew your hands" lazy tool.
However, Siri is the most handsome or to check the local configuration and adjust some simple system settings. For example, you can ask, "How fast is my Mac?" or "How much room is left?" This is simply a nirvana of the configuration. In addition, you can adjust the screen brightness, switch WiFi, adjust the volume or something, but with complex setup features, Siri will ask you what to do next.
However, Siri's startup is not always "standby" in the background like the iPhone. You need to click on the icon in the Dock or menu bar, but my favorite is to press Fn + Spacebar combination (button can be customized).
Apple Watch unlock
Just check the option "Allow Apple Watch to unlock Mac" in the settings. After turning on the Mac computer for a moment, you can unlock and directly enter the system through the Apple Watch. Of course, if the two devices share the same Same Apple ID.
This function is actually not new. It is very easy to do this with Apple's control over the ecological chain. However, I think that the addition of this unlocking feature will definitely increase the demand for Apple Watch. After all, this feature is Once you don't have that kind of usage scene, you're not used to it.
Universal clipboard
In fact, this function is part of the "continuity" that existed before. Simply put, if you press Command+C from your iPhone, you will push the pasted content on your Mac, and you can copy content across platforms and software. , including pictures, videos and text, of course, can also be pasted in the past, equivalent to cross-platform collaboration between macOS and iOS.
This function is a bit like AirDrop, which requires two devices to turn on Bluetooth and WiFi at the same time, so the transmission distance is not too far, but it is also based on this mechanism, so there is no external network environment can also be transmitted across platforms, so use The scene is still many.
However, unlike native copy paste, you can obviously feel the delay. Even if you press Commadn+V, even if it is dozens of words, there will be a short waiting time. If there is a larger content such as a picture or video, a progress bar will appear indicating that you are pasting content from the XX device.
However, this short-term wait can be completely ignored, because this function is really easy to use, in the past need to use a network disk or QQ transmission method to invert, now directly on the line, this use habits change I give full marks, I feel Now Apple's ecological chain really makes PC and Android shame.
iCloud Drive
In fact, before the iCloud Drive has a cross-platform network disk function, but this time more thoroughly, the files stored in the desktop and documents, will be automatically synchronized to the iCloud Drive, and then you can in the iPhone, iPad and web version of iCloud sees synced content.
As a computer user's most commonly used desktop, being able to join the function of automatic synchronization is of course worry, but some users just like to throw a few GB or even a dozen GB of movies, games or something to the desktop. If you are accustomed to this, the macOS system Also provided is a switch, you can manually select whether or not to synchronize the desktop, but I think this option should be refined again, the desktop and the two files folder synchronization options separate, so that users can better choose according to their own situation automatically Synchronized content.
This little update of iCloud Drive makes it more practical. If you are a macOS and iOS user, you basically do not need to install a third-party web disk. Even if you need to synchronize data with your PC, you can also visit iCloud.com or install the iCloud app. However, it is still a cliché topic that the default 5GB space is not enough.
Optimize storage
Due to the selling price, many users are using Mac notebooks with 128GB of storage space, such as entry-level 11-inch MacBook Air and 13-inch MacBook Pro, so it will not be long before the storage space will be stretched. What should I do? In this regard, macOS really think of a lot of ways, in fact, iCloud Drive mentioned above is a solution, but the new "optimized storage" function, it will be a more reasonable use.
When your computer space is tight, this new feature will automatically save the stale content to the iCloud cloud, so as to “make way†for other content, and the content stored in the cloud will save the recently opened project on the local machine. Those particularly old content are tantamount to giving them "moving", and their utilization rate is already low anyway.
The function of optimizing storage is not limited to this. If you use macOS's native email application, email attachments are only downloaded when needed; iTunes videos that have been watched are automatically deleted; and even 30 days before the trash can be automatically dumped. And what I find most useful is actually to prevent duplicate downloads. When you repeatedly download the same file twice in Safari, the system will mark duplicate files and delete them automatically. In the past, you added 1234 to duplicate files. This suffix.
With this new feature, you can more confidently buy a 128GB Mac. But I think this feature is actually more suitable for the iPhone, to see if Apple will be open to the iOS system.
Previously, the photos in the OS X system had features of people and places. This is not unfamiliar to everyone. This recall function integrates them, and the layout of the pages is also very time-consuming. It does not take too much time to process photos. However, it is indeed a convenient tool for people who do not like to look at it. And when you import the photos, "memory" is automatically generated.
In addition, the photo also incorporates a "very cow" search function. What is "very cow"? It can directly search the contents of pictures, such as the photos I took recently on vacation. I only search for very visual keywords such as “mountain†or “carâ€. Then I have a car with a mountain view or car driving background. The photographs can be found and the success rate is quite high. And this time Siri can also come in handy, similar to the "show me photos taken in XXX" this way of speaking, you can let Siri directly to you find the desired picture.
Upgrade model
As far as the upgraded models supported, in principle, MacBooks can be upgraded after 2009, including the MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Mac mini, Mac Pro and the iMac after 2009. However, some older models may not be able to enjoy some of the new features after the upgrade. For example, after the upgrade of the MacBook Pro before 2012, it is not possible to use “handsome†features such as Handoff and the Universal Clipboard. Specific support models can be found on Apple’s official website. , But it's still the old saying, do a backup job before upgrading, be careful to drive a boat for thousands of years.
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